Brera Tchumene
On March 20, 223 the Company announced the establishment of a newly branded football club in Mozambique named Brera Tchumene, a team admitted to the Second Division Championship in Mozambique, an east African country of nearly 32 million people. Brera Tchumene will have its training and game base in a modern sports center located in the metropolitan area of the capital city Maputo. The sports center was created by the Mozambican transport tycoon, Junaide Lalgy, owner of the Black Bulls, the winner of the 2020-21 Mocambola, the Mozambican First Division Championship for football. The team is aiming for promotion to the Mocambola First Division, which would lead to greater involvement by Brera Holdings, realizing its core business in the scouting of the best Mozambican players in the 18-23 age bracket, with a view to moving these players to Europe to join the other Brera Group clubs.
The Brera Tchumene club will also work on a social impact project which will be identified in partnership with local organizations involved in the social impact field. The establishment of Brera Tchumene is part of Brera Holdings’ strategic plan focused on the diversified football operations between Europe, Brera Holdings’ primary market, and emerging regional markets, managed with particular attention to social impact initiatives and the scouting and development of young talent.

Brera seeks to build on the legacy and brand of Brera FC, the first football club that the Company acquired in July 2022. Brera FC is an amateur football association which has been building an alternative football legacy since its founding in 2000. We are focused on bottom-up value creation from sports clubs and talent outside mainstream markets, innovation-powered business growth, and socially-impactful outcomes.
Football is one of the most popular spectator sports on Earth, with a global market valued at $1.8 billion in 2019, projected to reach $3.8 billion by 2027, with Europe currently being the largest market (“Global football market by type, manufacturing process and distribution channel: global opportunity analysis and industry forecast, 2021–2027,” May 2021). We believe that the leaders in the football industry, as with all enterprises, must demonstrate an awareness of social issues. We believe that teams that do not demonstrate such awareness will not succeed, and that the European football industry is signaling a need for socially-impactful ways to expand access to capital and revenues.