Fenix Trophy
We organized, promoted and participated in the FENIX Trophy, our newly formed non-professional pan-European football tournament recognized by UEFA. FENIX is an acronym for “Friendly European Non-professional Innovative Xenial”. The FENIX Trophy was intended to allow Brera FC to connect with the local community, increase its fanbase, and develop important relationships with other European football clubs. We believe that discussions about the FENIX Trophy spread awareness of these tenets of social impact football. We also believe that the competition’s meaning goes beyond the game itself. It is an immersive experience meant to highlight the best practices within non-professional football: sportsmanship, bonds with the local community, sustainability, use of technology, and friendship among clubs. We therefore believe the FENIX Trophy will significantly support our social-impact football value proposition. The FENIX Trophy was inaugurated in 2021 and had its first tournament from September 2021 to June 2022. We believe that the initial competition met or exceeded our expectations of its value for our social-impact football brand. The tournament was a public relations success – the Final Eight of the FENIX Trophy tournament, which took place in Rimini, Italy in June 2022, enjoyed extensive national (SKY Sports TV) and international (ZDF) media coverage. We intend to capitalize on this success and include even more amateur clubs in the FENIX Trophy’s 2022-2023 tournament.